CRAS members were quite successful in publishing latest results.
IROS2018 papers:
- Miloš Prágr, Petr Čížek, Jan Faigl: Cost of Transport Estimation for Legged Robot Based on Terrain Features Inference from Aerial Scan, IROS 2018.
- Petr Čížek, Jiří Kubík, Jan Faigl: Online Foot-Strike Detection using Inertial Measurements for Multi-Legged Walking Robots, IROS 2018.
- Petr Váňa, Jakub Sláma, Jan Faigl: Any-time Trajectory Planning for Safe Emergency Landing, IROS 2018.
- T. Krajník, F. Majer, L. Halodová, and Tomáš: Navigation without localisation: reliable teach and repeat based on the convergence theorem, in IROS, 2018.
- F.Arvin, A.E.Turgut, T.Krajnı́k, S.Rahimi, I.E.Okay, S.Yue, S.Watson, B.Lennox: ΦClust: Pheromone-based Aggregation for Robotic Swarms, In IROS, 2018.
in IEEE RA-L and to be presented at IROS2018:
- Martin Pecka, Karel Zimmermann, Matěj Petrlík, Tomáš Svoboda. Data-driven Policy Transfer with Imprecise Perception Simulation.
- L Kunze, N Hawes, T Duckett, M Hanheide, T Krajnik: Artificial Intelligence for Long-Term Robot Autonomy: A Survey.
IROS2017 papers:
- Lukáš Chrpa, Jose Pinto, Tiago Sa Marques, Manuel A. Ribeiro, Joao Sousa: Mixed-Initiative Planning, Replanning and Execution: From Concept to Field Testing using AUV Fleets
- Jan Faigl, Robert Pěnička: On Close Enough Orienteering Problem with Dubins Vehicle
- Petr Čížek, Diar Masri, Jan Faigl: Foothold Placement Planning with a Hexapod Crawling Robot
- Martin Pecka, Karel Zimmermann, Tomáš Svoboda. Fast Simulation of Vehicles with Non-deformable Tracks. arXiv PDF
We also got an oral presentation at ICCV2017, arguably the most prestigious computer vision conference: K. Zimmermann, T. Petricek, V. Salansky, T. Svoboda. Learning for Active 3D Mapping. arXiv PDF, DemoVideo.
We also have a few new journal publications:
- Tomáš Krajník ; Jaime P. Fentanes ; João M. Santos ; Tom Duckett. FreMEn: Frequency Map Enhancement for Long-Term Mobile Robot Autonomy in Changing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Robotics ( Volume: 33, Issue: 4, Aug. 2017 )
- M. Pecka, K. Zimmermann, M. Reinstein, and T. Svoboda. Controlling Robot Morphology from Incomplete Measurements. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Feb 2017, Vol 64, Issue: 2, pp. 1773-1782