Our DARPA team CTU-CRAS received AI-award for the best project of the year 2019.
Author Archives: Tomáš Svoboda
FreMEn contra Covid-19
Android app to allow people to share real-time information about density of crowd in different places. The Application recommends a suitable time to visit a shop, park or other public places, on the basis of past concentration of people there. The application leverages our robotic research dedicated to long-term autonomy.
T. Krajnik at Science Cafe, April 16.
Robots helping in Covid-19 diagnosis
Member or CRAS are helping in automating Coronavirus detection by developing a methodology that involves robots.
2019 Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems
We are organizing 2019 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems in Prague.
DARPA Subterranean Challenge
Qualified to STIX
Our team qualified to the STIX event of DARPA SubTerranean Challenge. We plan to go to all phases of the system track.
A mapping and detection run:
CRAS participates at RCI
CRAS participates on large scale project Research Center Informatics, RCI where it constitutes the Robotic chapter.
Recent publications
CRAS members were quite successful in publishing latest results.
IROS2018 papers:
- Miloš Prágr, Petr Čížek, Jan Faigl: Cost of Transport Estimation for Legged Robot Based on Terrain Features Inference from Aerial Scan, IROS 2018.
- Petr Čížek, Jiří Kubík, Jan Faigl: Online Foot-Strike Detection using Inertial Measurements for Multi-Legged Walking Robots, IROS 2018.
- Petr Váňa, Jakub Sláma, Jan Faigl: Any-time Trajectory Planning for Safe Emergency Landing, IROS 2018.
- T. Krajník, F. Majer, L. Halodová, and Tomáš: Navigation without localisation: reliable teach and repeat based on the convergence theorem, in IROS, 2018.
- F.Arvin, A.E.Turgut, T.Krajnı́k, S.Rahimi, I.E.Okay, S.Yue, S.Watson, B.Lennox: ΦClust: Pheromone-based Aggregation for Robotic Swarms, In IROS, 2018.
in IEEE RA-L and to be presented at IROS2018:
- Martin Pecka, Karel Zimmermann, Matěj Petrlík, Tomáš Svoboda. Data-driven Policy Transfer with Imprecise Perception Simulation.
- L Kunze, N Hawes, T Duckett, M Hanheide, T Krajnik: Artificial Intelligence for Long-Term Robot Autonomy: A Survey.
IROS2017 papers:
- Lukáš Chrpa, Jose Pinto, Tiago Sa Marques, Manuel A. Ribeiro, Joao Sousa: Mixed-Initiative Planning, Replanning and Execution: From Concept to Field Testing using AUV Fleets
- Jan Faigl, Robert Pěnička: On Close Enough Orienteering Problem with Dubins Vehicle
- Petr Čížek, Diar Masri, Jan Faigl: Foothold Placement Planning with a Hexapod Crawling Robot
- Martin Pecka, Karel Zimmermann, Tomáš Svoboda. Fast Simulation of Vehicles with Non-deformable Tracks. arXiv PDF
We also got an oral presentation at ICCV2017, arguably the most prestigious computer vision conference: K. Zimmermann, T. Petricek, V. Salansky, T. Svoboda. Learning for Active 3D Mapping. arXiv PDF, DemoVideo.
We also have a few new journal publications:
- Tomáš Krajník ; Jaime P. Fentanes ; João M. Santos ; Tom Duckett. FreMEn: Frequency Map Enhancement for Long-Term Mobile Robot Autonomy in Changing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Robotics ( Volume: 33, Issue: 4, Aug. 2017 )
- M. Pecka, K. Zimmermann, M. Reinstein, and T. Svoboda. Controlling Robot Morphology from Incomplete Measurements. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Feb 2017, Vol 64, Issue: 2, pp. 1773-1782
Karel Zimmermann, associate professor
Karel Zimmermann successfully defended his habilitation thesis if front of the scientific council of the Faculty on May 10, and became Associate Professor.
MBZIRC robotic challenge victory
Our team (also Uni Lincoln and UPenn involved) led by Martin Saska won the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotic Challenge (MBZIRC) – Challenge 3 that required a team of UAVs to collaborate to search, locate, track, pick and place a set of static and moving objects. The team also took 2nd place in Challenge 1 – landing on a moving platform and 3rd in the Grand Challenge – after joining University of Padua.
A more detailed story in Czech; with more photos. Czech TV news